About Our Readers

Total readership: 100,000+

Who are they?

63% of readers identify as female
32% of readers identify as male
25% are 54 or younger
21% are between the ages of 55 and 64
54% are 65 or older

They are educated
and established.

92% are college graduates
47% have an MFA or MA
18% have a PhD
64% make over $60,000 in household income
34% make over $100,000 in household income

They are loyal to Poets & Writers Magazine.

79% rely on Poets & Writers Magazine as their primary source of information on writing and publishing

They are serious about writing.

57% write poetry
59% write fiction
46% write nonfiction
76% have published their writing in periodicals or in book form

They are active readers.

72% purchase 11 or more books per year
43% purchase more than 22 books per year
95% purchase novels or collections of short stories
80% purchase books of poetry
87% purchase books of creative nonfiction
78% purchase books on writing

They are highly responsive to ads placed in Poets & Writers Magazine.

50% of our readers respond directly to the ads they see in Poets & Writers Magazine