Senior Editor

Jen joined Poets & Writers in April of 2022. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Hunter College (CUNY) and a PhD in English from Binghamton University (SUNY). At Binghamton, Jen was a graduate-student fellow in human rights and directed the Binghamton Poetry Project, a literary-service program that offers free community poetry workshops for adults and kids; she was also an editor for Harpur Palate literary magazine and codirected Writing by Degrees creative writing conference and the Literati Reading Series. A former full-time newspaper reporter in Baltimore and New Orleans, Jen has taught writing, literature, and arts-appreciation courses at colleges in New York and New Jersey. Her writing has appeared on Literary Hub, where she worked for the Book Marks editorial team for several years, and in Prairie Schooner, Spoon River Poetry Review, Third Coast, and Women’s Studies Quarterly (WSQ), among other publications. She has won scholarship and fellowship support from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Kettle Pond Writers’ Conference, Hunter College, and Binghamton University, where she was a Marion Clayton Link fellow in creative writing.