Novelist Sonallah Ibrahim, Defending Higher Education, V. S. Naipaul, and More

James F. Thompson

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:

Egyptian novelist Sonallah Ibrahim, who once refused the Arab Novel Award, discusses the historical scope of novels and the complexities of writing about Egypt. (New Yorker)

Mark Edmundson, an English professor at the University of Virginia, defends higher education in his collection of essays, “Why Teach?” (New York Times)

Biographile examines the public feuds and influential father who helped define V. S. Naipaul’s humanity and literary sensibilities.

This article about nine famous works written in exile should dispel any rationalizations you have for not being able to complete your own writing projects. (MentalFloss)

Take a tour of literary settings by reading “Then and Now: Photos of Real Places Mentioned in Fiction.” (Flavorwire)

This in-depth essay from the Millions compellingly argues that everything you need to know about America can be learned from reading Stephen King.

An infographic on GalleyCat reveals that 38 percent of readers will finish a book even if they don’t enjoy reading it.

“If it sounds like writing, rewrite it.” Revisiting writing tips from Elmore Leonard in the wake of his death. (Atlantic)