Gersh Agency and Diversion Books Launch Imprint, Actual Cost of E-Books, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Every day Poets & Writers Magazine scans the headlines—from publishing reports to academic announcements to literary dispatches—for all the news that creative writers need to know. Here are today’s stories:

Amazon is reportedly planning a major push into the grocery delivery business (NBC); and Matthew Yglesias suggests Amazon's profit is not the important thing to consider, but their delivery trucks. (Slate)

The Gersh Agency and Diversion Books have launched an imprint to publish e-book and POD titles by Gersh's clients, beginning this summer. Industry veteran Scott Waxman founded Diversion as an e-book publisher in 2010. (Publishers Weekly)

Meanwhile, technology writer John Dvorak examines the state of electronic publishing and the actual cost of e-books. (PC Magazine)

Filmmaker Ken Burns and author Siddhartha Mukherjee will collaborate on a six-hour documentary based on Mukherjee's bestselling The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. The series will air on PBS in spring 2015. (USA Today)

With the new film Hannah Arendt in theaters, Michelle Dean casts a gimlet eye on the friendship between famed German-born political theorist Arendt and American novelist Mary McCarthy. (New Yorker)

If you take the free public ferry to New York City's Governors Island this summer, be sure to visit the outdoor reading room known as Library Lawn, which is sponsored by several city libraries.

A. N. Devers looks at a way many independent bookstores are staying competitive—by offering autographed first-edition book clubs. (Fine Book Magazine)