jason b crawford


Brooklyn, NY
New York US

Author's Bio

jason b. crawford  (They/He/She) is a writer born in Washington DC, raised in Lansing, MI. Their debut Full-Length Year of the Unicorn Kidz is out from Sundress Publications. crawford holds a Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing from Eastern Michigan University. They are a 2023 Lambda Literary Emerging LGBTQ Voices fellow. They are the winner of the Courtney Valentine Prize for Outstanding Work by a Millennial Artist, the winner of the Rhino’s Founders Prize, and a finalist for the Frontier’s Open prize. crawford was a finalist for the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid 2021 and 2022 Poetry Contest. Their work can be found or is forthcoming in POETRY Magazine, Metro Weekly, AGNI Magazine, Foglifter Magazine, Four Way Review, Cincinnati Review, Frontier Magazine, Beloit Poetry Journal, among others. They hold an MFA in poetry from The New School. Their second collection YEET! was the winner of the 2023 Omnidawn 1st/2nd Book Prize and will be published in Fall 2025.


Publications & Prizes

YEET!! (Omnidawn Publishing, 2025)
Year of the Unicorn Kidz (Sundress Publications, 2022)
good boi (Neon Hemlock, 2021)
Twerkable Moments (Paper Nautilus, 2021)
Prizes won: 

Kissing Dynamite Microchap Series Shortlist, 2020 

CAAPP Book Prize Finalist, 2020

Variant Lit Chapbook Contest Winner, 2020

Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize Contest Finalist, 2020

Black Lawrence Press, The Hudson Prize Contest Finalist, 2020

Radix Media, Own Voice Chapbook Prize Contest Finalist, 2020

Glass Poetry Chapbook Series Finalist, 2020

Courtney Valentine Prize for Outstanding Work by a Millennial Artist, 2020

Vella Chapbook Contest, paper nautilus September 2020

Outwrite 2021 Chapbook Prize winner in Poetry

Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Jonah Mixon-Webster Danez Smith sam sax Jihyun Yun Taylor Byas Oliver Baez Bendorf Desiree Dallagiacomo Lannie Stabile Eric Sirota Justin Rogers Brittany Rogers Raych Jackson Douglas Kearney
What I'm reading now: 
Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf, Ours by Phillip B Williams

More Information

Gives readings: 
Travels for readings: 
Identifies as: 
African American
Prefers to work with: 
Born in: 
Washington DC, DC
District Of Columbia
Raised in: 
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Feb 21, 2024