Teri Youmans Grimm


Jacksonville, FL
Florida US

Author's Bio

Teri Youmans Grimm is a fourth generation Floridian. She received her BFA in poetry at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and her MFA at Vermont College. Her collection of persona poems, Becoming Lyla Dore will be published by Red Hen Press in the Spring of 2016. Her first collection, Dirt Eaters, was chosen for the University of Central Florida’s contemporary poetry series and was published by the University Press of Florida.Her writing has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Green Mountains Review, Indiana Review, South Dakota Review, Connecticut Review, Sugar House Review, EAT and Homegrown in Florida: An Anthology of Florida Childhoods, among other journals and anthologies and she is a contributor for the podcast, Swamp Radio. She is the recipient of a Nebraska Arts Fellowship and has been awarded residencies at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and the Hambidge Center. She teaches in the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s low-res MFA program.

Teri lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband and two children where she sings in a cover band and hunts alligators. Visit her website at teriyoumansgrimm.com

Publications & Prizes

Dirt Eaters (University Press of Florida, 2004)

More Information

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Jacksonville, FL
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Sep 30, 2015