Marya Spence

See writers who are represented by this agent
Literary Agency: 
Janklow & Nesbit Associates
285 Madison Avenue
21st Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 421-1700
Accepts E-mail Queries: 
Interested in Representing: 
Autobiography/Memoir, Fiction, Literary Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Poetry, Pop Culture
Clients Include: 
Angelica Baker, Becky Cooper, Yrsa Daley-Ward, Alex Dimitrov, Hermione Hoby, Jaroslav Kalfar, Rachel Khong, Eugene Lim, Lisa Locascio, Daniel Loedel, Haley Mlotek, Allie Rowbottom, Ashleigh Young

Submission Guidelines

Please send a query letter along with a 10-page writing sample.

Tips From the Agent

“When querying me, please tell me who, or what books, you consider your contemporary peers or influences. I want to know where you see your book positioned in the context of a larger cultural or artistic conversation!”