Tags: libraries

Langston Hughes's Collection of Rent Party Cards, Anne Carson Profile, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Warner Brothers has filed a countersuit against Tolkien's estate, which sued Warner last year for eighty million dollars over unapproved Lord of the Rings merchandise; a University of Texas student discovered writing composed by Jupiter Hammon, the earliest published African-American poet; The Tragedy of Mister Morn, a previously unpublished play by Vladimir Nabokov is out next week from Knopf; and other news.

The Believer and KCRW Launch Organist Podcast, Using Poetry to Fight Cancer, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Eight thousand volumes of centuries-old texts were saved from destruction during the recent fighting in Timbuktu; Nathan Bransford is hosting a contest to win a chance to have part of your manuscript read by InkWell literary agent Catherine Drayton; the Believer and Los Angeles NPR station KCRW have launched a podcast called the Organist; and other news.


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