As We Were Saying: Sewanee Writers on Writing

Wyatt Prunty, Megan Roberts, and Adam Latham, editors
Published in 2021
by Louisiana State University Press

This anthology edited by Wyatt Prunty, Megan Roberts, and Adam Latham collects craft talks about the writing process delivered at the annual Sewanee Writers’ Conference held on the campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. The essays by noted authors—Richard Bausch, Mary Jo Salter, Randall Kenan, William Logan, Alice McDermott, and Christine Schutt, among others—cover topics such as narrative structure, characterization in fiction and nonfiction, writing a plot in poems, revision, and the fundamentals of a metaphor. Catered for writers at all levels of experience, the essays are written in response to questions generated by the process of writing by, as the editors write in the introduction, “masters of a craft candidly reporting issues they confront as they begin, pause, worry, resume, stop, despair, resolve, revise, finish. Revise again.”