Squam Writes Retreat

Holderness, NH, United States
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Squam Writes offered a retreat from June 8 to June 11 to fiction and creative nonfiction writers at Rockywold Deephaven Camps, a historic resort campsite in Holderness, New Hampshire. Residents were provided lodging in cottages, cabins, and lodge rooms along the shores of Squam Lake; all meals; time to write; and the opportunity to join craft-focused workshops led by the codirectors as well as optional peer critique groups. The faculty included novelists Jilly Gagnon and Melissa Hed. The cost of the retreat was $995. Writers submitted a writing sample of up to 20 pages from a work-in-progress by April 30. There was no application fee. Registration was first come, first served. Applicants were required to adhere to CDC guidelines for COVID-19 group safety. Visit the website for more information.

Contact Information

Squam Writes Retreat, 51 Fearing Drive, Westwood, MA 02090. Jilly Gagnon and Melissa Hed, Codirectors.