
J. T. Bushnell’s Brain
Over the many years that I’ve been a reader of Poets & Writers Magazine, a number of articles have proven helpful to me. Without a doubt, J. T. Bushnell’s “This Is Your Brain on Fear: Trauma and Storytelling” (May/June 2016) is by far the most helpful, directly applicable exploration of craft I have read. My novel has been languishing, largely ignored, for years, in large part because the traumatic event that underpins the story does not ring true as I have written it. I have felt defeated by this scene time and again, and I do not doubt that my reluctance to work on the book as a whole stems from my dissatisfaction with this scene. Bushnell’s examination of how the brain processes trauma, as well as his application of this knowledge in describing a traumatic scene, came as a godsend. I can’t wait to sit down and rewrite that scene, with my marked-up copy of Bushnell’s article by my side. Thank you!
Gillian Culff
Kamuela, Hawai‘i

J. T. Bushnell’s essay in new @poetswritersinc mag: science, techniques, examples—OUTSTANDING!
Julia Tagliere

The Reviews Are In
I agree with Pamela Paul (“Reviewers & Critics: Pamela Paul of the New York Times Book Review” by Michael Taeckens, May/June 2016), who thinks that negative reviews do not always kill a book. I have bought books after reading critical reviews and ended up disagreeing with the reviewers. After all, book reviewing is highly subjective; there are as many possible reviews as there are readers. I remember a saying I once heard: “What’s worse than a bad review? No review,” which is something many of us writers know all too well.
Anne K. Ross
El Cerrito, California 

The amazing @mtaeckens interviews the inspiring @PamelaPaulNYT for @poetswritersinc. Love this series!
Megan Fishmann

Imposter Syndrome
I am grateful for Leigh Stein’s article “Poet, Writer, Imposter: Learning to Believe in Myself” (May/June 2016), for pulling back the shroud and exposing imposter syndrome to the light of day. I keep telling myself that once I’ve published this essay or that short story (or even—imagine!—my forlorn novel), my self-doubts will dry up and I’ll finally feel accomplished. My battle with my own imposter is ongoing, but it’s nice to know that I’m fighting in good company.
Heath Fields
Boston, Massachusetts

Floored by “Poet, Writer, Imposter” by @rhymeswithbee it is soooooo gooood.
Chloe Caldwell

More to the Story
This editor’s letter by @KevinLarimer (“More to the Story” May/June 2016) makes me want to read the latest issue of @poetswritersinc.
Dani Shapiro

@KevinLarimer, I will never forget this editor’s note of yours. Sending, if I may, a virtual hug.
Erika Dreifus