Zadie Smith, Will Self, Yann Martel Among Booker Prize Nominees

by Staff

The nominees for the 2002 Man Booker Prize were recently announced. The annual prize is given for the best novel published in the current year and is open to writers from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the British Commonwealth. The winner receives £50,000 (approximately $76,000). The list of twenty nominees on September 24 will be narrowed to six shortlisted writers, all of whom will receive £2,500 (approximately $3,800). The winner will be announced in October.

The Man Booker Prize nominees:
Dannie Abse, The Strange Case of Dr. Simmonds & Dr. Glass (Robson Books)
John Banville, Shroud (Picador)
Joan Barfoot, Critical Injuries (Women's Press)
William Boyd, Any Human Heart (Hamish Hamilton)
Anita Brookner, The Next Big Thing (Viking)
Robert Edric, Peacetime (Doubleday)
Michael Frayn, Spies (Faber and Faber)
Linda Grant, Still Here (Bloomsbury)
Philip Hensher, The Mulberry Empire (UHP)
Howard Jacobson, Who's Sorry Now? (Jonathan Cape)
Yann Martel, Life of Pi (Canongate)
Jon McGregor, If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things (Bloomsbury)
Rohinton Mistry, Family Matters (Faber and Faber)
Will Self, Dorian (Viking)
Carol Shields, Unless (4th Estate)
Zadie Smith, The Autograph Man (Hamish Hamilton)
Colin Thubron, To The Last City (Chatto & Windus)
William Trevor, The Story of Lucy Gault (Viking)
Sarah Waters, Fingersmith (Virago)
Tim Winton, Dirt Music (Picador)