Terril Shorb

Creative Nonfiction Writer

Prescott, AZ
Arizona US

Author's Bio

Terril L. Shorb has been a journalist, a marketing specialist for nonprofit organizations, and a college teacher, which includes current faculty work in Sustainable Community Development at Prescott College where he founded that program.  He and his wife, the poet, Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb, created the Kellert-Shorb Biophilic Values Indicator (KSBVI), a user-friendly personal survey that supports people in efforts to deepen their connections with local nature.  

Terril’s writing has appeared in Tilde Literary Journal, Projected Letters, The MacGuffin, Kudzu House, QU Literary Journal, Cargo Literary Magazine, ArtWife, bioStories, Range Magazine, Compulsive Reader, and Green Teacher Magazine.  He mentors his college students in diverse expressions of creative writing, including essays and fiction.

He is a lifelong activist devoted to to conserving and restoring the natural world.  Like the protagonist of one of his novels, Death in the Dinosaur Graveyard, Terril loves to scan the crusty surface of badlands formations to search for fossil life—a joy sustained since his childhood when fossil-hunting was a favorite activity during the family’s years of poverty in the Wyoming ruralside.

Publications & Prizes

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Montana Mouthful
Projected Letters
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Personal Favorites

Favorite authors: 
Nevada Barr, Elizabeth Strout, Ray Bradbury, Sue Grafton
What I'm reading now: 
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout, Q is for Quarry by Sue Grafton, Paterson by William Carlos Williams, Pilgrim by Timothy Findley

More Information

Gives readings: 
Born in: 
Miles City, MT
Raised in: 
Powell, WY
Please note: All information in the Directory is provided by the listed writers or their representatives.
Last update: Jan 24, 2024