Call of the Wild: Youth Poet Laureate Reading

04/27/2024 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Come out to Casita Bookstore for a poetry reading about ecology through the eyes of our Youth Poet Laureate and Ambassadors.

This is a final celebration reading for our 2023-2024 Long Beacsh Youth Poet Laureate program cohort.

Featuring Youth Poet Laureate Claire Beeli
& Youth Poet Ambassadors:
Kieran Lundy
Helena Donato-Sapp
Sofia Uribe
Matilda Iem

Hosted by Nancy Lynée Woo

This is a free event but space is limited. Please arrive early to grab a seat!

Casita Bookstore
1440 E. 4th St.
Long Beach, CA 90802

Contact Information

Nancy Woo