Spring Virtual Poetry Intensive: Writing the Tarot

02/28/2024 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm EST

In this transformative six-week writing course, participants embark on a creative journey delving into the possibilities and wonder of tarot archetypes. Each week unfolds like a new card being drawn, revealing unique facets of storytelling and self-discovery. The course not only explores the traditional meanings of tarot cards but also encourages participants to connect with the archetypes on a personal level, using them as a springboard for generating fresh and compelling writing. Through guided exercises and prompts, participants can tap into the symbolism and narrative potential inherent in each card, unlocking a world of inspiration for their own literary exploration.
As the course progresses, participants engage in a dynamic process of crafting and refining their writing, drawing inspiration not only from the tarot archetypes but also from a curated selection of mentor texts. These texts serve as literary guides, illustrating different approaches to storytelling and showcasing how established authors have implied and imagined archetypal themes in their work. Through thoughtful analysis and discussion, students gain a deeper understanding of narrative techniques and develop the skills to apply these insights to their own writing. Each week we will engage in a vibrant sharing session where participants showcase their works in progress. Additionally, we'll have time to share feedback on longer pieces of work--participants share in advance of the class, offering an opportunity to celebrate the diverse and imaginative stories that have emerged from the fusion of tarot archetypes, mentor text inspiration, and their unique creative voices.

Contact Information

Tova Greene