UC Berkeley: Morrison Library

Reading Venue
Contact name: 
Scott Peterson

Morrison Library opened in 1928 as a traditional library reading room providing an ambient atmosphere for students to take a break from the rigors of academic life. One of the architectural treasures of the UC Berkeley campus, Morrison Library offers comfortable seating for leisurely reading and maintains a circulating collection of newly published popular fiction and non-fiction. Morrison Library also has a limited collection of circulating audiobooks, travel books, and newly published poetry books, as well as subscriptions to several popular magazines and a few daily newspapers.

Events in the Morrison Library include Lunch Poems, a noontime poetry reading series under the direction of poet Robert Hass, and Story Hour in the Library, a monthly prose reading series hosted by English department faculty members Vikram Chandra and Melanie Abrams that features distinguished prose writers from the Bay Area and beyond.

More about this reading venue
Name of reading series: 
Lunch Poems, Story Hour
Poetry, Fiction
Event types: 
101 Doe Library, University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720