Tags: international authors

Deborah Copaken Kogan Versus the Establishment, Performance Poet Kate Tempest, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Deborah Copaken Kogan details the obstacles she's encountered in her storied career as a journalist and author; Christian Science Monitor features Robert Frost's ten favorite books; the Guardian looks at the work of Kate Tempest, the first person under forty to win the Ted Hughes award for innovation in poetry; and other news.

Langston Hughes's Collection of Rent Party Cards, Anne Carson Profile, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Warner Brothers has filed a countersuit against Tolkien's estate, which sued Warner last year for eighty million dollars over unapproved Lord of the Rings merchandise; a University of Texas student discovered writing composed by Jupiter Hammon, the earliest published African-American poet; The Tragedy of Mister Morn, a previously unpublished play by Vladimir Nabokov is out next week from Knopf; and other news.

Richard Blanco Selected Obama Inaugural Poet, Patricia Cornwell Suing Manager, and More

Evan Smith Rakoff

Poet Richard Blanco will read an original composition for president Barack Obama’s second inauguration; novelist Hari Kunzru reports on the political climate in Hungary, and how it's shaping Hungary's cultural institutions; Patricia Cornwell is suing her former financial manager for upwards of one hundred million dollars; and other news.


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