Writers Recommend

In this online exclusive we ask authors to share books, art, music, writing prompts, films—anything and everything—that has inspired them in their writing. We see this as a place for writers to turn to for ideas that will help feed their creative process.

Sunil Yapa


“For a minor level stuck—a piece of dialogue too on the nose, a telling detail that just doesn’t tell—I stay at the desk. I stare at the wall; I look out the window

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Brett Fletcher Lauer


“There are a host of prescribed tricks for writing droughts, from the age-old divine intervention of Erato to the more practical jaunt around the neighborhood. ‘Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow,’ Thoreau wrote in his journal.

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Elaine Equi


“I never acquired the habit of keeping a journal, except to record my dreams. It always amazes me when I reread one from years ago, how fresh it still seems—more vivid

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Kirk Lynn


“I believe in fair trade. When I need inspiration I start giving more time and attention to the world around me. I write an e-mail to someone I miss.

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Karan Mahajan


“Write first drafts on paper. This cancels self-criticism immediately; unless you have truly ugly, banged-up handwriting, everything you write will be visually

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David Searcy


“My working methods, I suspect, are too peculiar and old-fashioned to be instructive. Nevertheless, I don’t make outlines. I don’t do drafts—or not intentionally—not as such.

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Paul Lisicky


“Music was my first love, and it’s still the source for me even though I haven’t touched a piano or guitar in years. It continues to teach me about phrasing, pitch, shifts in rhythm, shifts in tonal register—all of the qualities I value in writing.

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Asali Solomon


“I write in periods of forty-five minutes using my cell phone timer, and take fifteen-minute breaks between each session. I repeat this until I’m done for the day.

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Vanessa Blakeslee


“When I was in the thick of writing my novel, Juventud, I took dance classes two or three times a week. This provided obvious physical benefits,

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Lincoln Michel


“When in doubt, go further, deeper, weirder. Take the elements that make your story unique and double down on them. There's a tendency in writing classes and craft essays to suggest that writers work on their weaknesses and round out their skills.

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