Theater video tags: Poured Over

Poured Over: R. O. Kwon on Exhibit


“What is it about a woman being ambitious that feels so wayward, that feels so dangerous?” In this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast, R. O. Kwon talks about the themes of ambition and desire in her second novel, Exhibit (Riverhead Books, 2024), and what women of color face in the world of art with guest host Jenna Seery. A profile of Kwon by Brian Gresko appears in the May/June issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Hanif Abdurraqib on There’s Always This Year


“It was good to write a book where I’m staring at time directly, in a very literal sense.” In this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast hosted by Miwa Messer, Hanif Abdurraqib talks about the unique writing process for his latest book, There’s Always This Year: On Basketball and Ascension (Random House, 2024), the power of nostalgia, and his life in Ohio. Abdurraqib’s new book is featured in Page One in the March/April issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

Poured Over: Phillip B. Williams on His Debut Novel


In this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast hosted by Miwa Messer, Phillip B. Williams talks about the makings of his debut novel, Ours (Viking, 2024), and how his characters led him to shape the story. For more from Williams, read his installment of our Ten Questions online series.

Rachel Heng: The Great Reclamation


In this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast hosted by Miwa Messer, author Rachel Heng discusses her latest novel, The Great Reclamation (Riverhead Books, 2023), and talks about writing fiction that is both historical and speculative, and how she uses notecards to organize writing her gargantuan novels.


R. F. Kuang on Yellowface


“I want to trouble the idea that any representation is good representation. I think there’s a lot of frustration in Asian American circles about being told to appreciate the crumbs you’ve been given.” R. F. Kuang speaks about her fifth novel, Yellowface (William Morrow, 2023), issues of cultural appropriation, and her own experiences in the publishing industry as a Chinese American woman writer in this live conversation with Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast host Miwa Messer in New York.


Poured Over With Henry Hoke and Jackson Howard


“The greenery of Los Angeles for this wild animal isn’t natural. I certainly felt that all the time.” For this episode of Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast produced and hosted by Miwa Messer, Henry Hoke talks about feeling overwhelmed while living in Los Angeles and how the experience inspired the queer mountain lion narrator of his novel Open Throat (MCD, 2023) in a conversation with editor Jackson Howard. Open Throat is featured in Page One in the July/August issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.


Poured Over With Isaac Fitzgerald


“I realized as I started to write it, that it was going to be a lot more focused on my childhood than I expected it to be,” says Isaac Fitzgerald about the process of writing his first memoir, Dirtbag, Massachusetts: A Confessional (Bloomsbury, 2022), in this interview for Poured Over: The Barnes & Noble Podcast produced and hosted by Miwa Messer. Fitzgerald’s memoir is featured in Page One in the July/August issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

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