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Poets & Writers Groups

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Silent Writing Happy Hour

 Launching Tuesday 9/12/2023 in the back room at Pete’s Candy Store, this 5pm to 7pm weekly writing workshop encourages you to come out and join your fellow scrivener, to practice your own writing and learn a few tricks.  

“Writing is a solitary pursuit best practiced in a group,” notes SWHH Co-host Jamie Hook. “Only thus, through collective efforts and habitual behavior, can be the Animal Spirits be unleashed."

“It’s a writing workshop where you actually do the work of writing,”  concurs SWHH Co-host David Buchbuinder. “Think of it as practice, to learn what you have to say.”

Taking inspiration from the infinite canon of literature past and present, we present weekly short readings, inspiring 30-minute exercises, offering writers the space and direction to write silently and hone their skills. Writers may share their writing, as the spirit and time dictates. The last portion of the evening is devoted to self-directed work on whatever project you have that merits such. 

Writers of all stripes are passionately welcomed. Bring your own writing utensil, and a full flask of curiosity.  We generally write silently for the better part of an hour, commencing at 5:30sharp, with breaks for “Inspiration,” (as the Barkeeps call it…). 

So whether you’re a lapsed novelist, a Nobel prizewinner, a literary jazz composer, or a doctor-turned-diarist, we will help you to get writing. It’s not that hard. You just have to do it. And really, are you doing anything better with your Tuesday evenings?

It’s all write.


Tuesdays at Pete’s Candy Store (709 Lorimer St., Brooklyn, 11222)

5pmish - 7pm sharp / Exercise @ 5:30pm

Bring your laptop or whatever you write with.  $Free, of course, with weekly drink and food specials

Brooklyn, NY
United States
New York
Meeting preference: 
Meets In Person
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Self-published a book
Members identify as: 
Group meets for: 
Workshop, Writing exercises, Encouragement, Inspiration
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 3 members

September 2023 Mapping the Maze Workshop (PROSE)

This group is open to writers participating in Poets & Writers' 2023 Mapping the Maze workshop for prose writers.

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Literary Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Group members:Currently has 53 members

DPS for the shy people

Looking through all of these groups can be intimidating so I wanted to create a space for all those shy people like me who might be anxious to share their work. So this group will lift each other up while we eject those creative ideas out of our heads. I like to write about fictional places, historical events, and characters that exist only in my fantasy but whatever you feel strongly about is welcome here. 

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Experimental, Feminist, Fiction, Historical, Magical Realism
Preferred group size: 
Group members:Currently has 2 members

Invisible Ink

This is a group for Writers of any age or experience or genre who would like to read their work and receive feedback. Maybe grab a beer or a coffee before or after.

Holly Springs, NC
United States
North Carolina
Meeting preference: 
Meets In Person
Genres of interest: 
Commercial Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Experimental, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Graphic/Illustrated, Humor, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Short Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Published a book, Self-published a book, Have workshop experience
Members identify as: 
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Submissions, Encouragement, Inspiration
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

Page by Page

Writing group for writers of diverse genres and backgrounds looking to grow their craft. We want to create a space that is welcoming and inviting for people in all stages of the writing process: both those who are in the beggining stages of a project to the latter stages of a more completed work. This group is open to both poets and fiction writers, and we are specifically seeking a mix of both. This is because we strongly believe that the best fiction and the best poetry benefits from writers across genre lines to provide meaningful and different perspectives on work. For example, a poet might benefit from a fiction writer's knowledge of clear narrative and more lucid writing, whilst a fiction writer might benefit from a poet's insight into rythm, diction, and style. We welcome and hope to have participation from writers across genres, ie: people who write both poetry and fiction. 

Writers who speak two or more languages are highly encouraged to participate. Moreover, writers from underrepresented groups, or who can offer a unique perspective because of their national or cultural background, are also highly encouraged to participate. Depending on the location of the members and their availability, this group might meet in-person or remotely over Zoom. The group will meet every two weeks, and participants will be expected to give feedback to other group members on their writing. Members are not expected to be experts in both poetry and prose genres, but they are expected to be open to reading and critiquing both types of writing. In addition, readers should be open to reading work that is outside of their own personal tastes. We are open to both traditional literary fiction and formal genres of poetry as well as to speculative fiction genres and more explorative poetic forms, such as prose poetry and the lyric essay. Moreover, we are looking for kind, gentle people who are invested in improving their own work and other members'. Meetings will involve workshopping as well as writing excercises and overall fun. We hope to create a positive writing community of camraderie and mutual support. Preference will be given to those who have completed a Bachelor's degree, though others are in general also encouraged to inquire. Workshop experience in either an academic or more informal setting is necessary. If interested, please inquire!

New York, NY
United States
New York
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online, Meets In Person
Genres of interest: 
Cross-genre, Fiction, Literary Fiction, Lyric Essay, Poetry, Prose Poetry, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Encouragement, Inspiration, Accountability partners
Languages used: 
English, Spanish
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member

The Writers' Book Club

Have you ever learned a ton from reading a badly written book?  Have you fallen in love with a book, getting lost in the lyricism and desperately want to discuss it with someone with a like mind?  Then the Writers' Book Club is for you! We'll meet once a month to discuss fiction novels (of any genre) selected by the members to pick them apart and learn from them. 

The group meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month at 8 PM Eastern time.

Because the P&W groups communicating tools are nonintuitive, all group information is cross-posted at Goodreads and my website.  Check it out at: OR

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Commercial Fiction, Fiction, Literary Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Group meets for: 
Inspiration, Discussion, Reading
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 8 members

The Writing Groove

Get in The Writing Groove! We are a very small group that meets on Discord voice chat once per week to keep each other accountable and inspire each other to write. We write together and share our writing through our Discord server between and during meetings.

I'm looking for some new members to join the group, so don't be afraid to send me a message or request to join!

Happy Writing!

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Autobiography/Memoir, BIPOC Voices, Creative Nonfiction, Cross-genre, Feminist, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Formal Poetry, LGBTQ Voices, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Poetry, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Young Adult
Preferred group size: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 7 members

young writers

hello! i'm a 19- year old aspiring author and am looking for people around my age who are also looking to become a professional writer. if you are a writer, then you know how difficult it is. i strive to become friends with as many writers as i can in hopes that i'll receive more support and motivation. also would just love to have friends who understand what it means to be a writer. join my group if you're interested :)

lake worth, FL
United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online, Meets In Person
Genre of interest: 
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Have workshop experience
Members identify as: 
American, Hispanic
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Encouragement, Inspiration, Discussion, Tips
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 14 members

Beyond the Words

This group is for serious and likeminded poets. Topics include: Writing Styles, independent, out-of-the box thinking, and recognizing and valuing each other in and through the poems we write. All are welcome. 

United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Autobiography/Memoir, Formal Poetry, LGBTQ Voices, Micro-poetry, Poetry, Prose Poetry
Preferred group size: 
Members identify as: 
African American, American, BIPOC, Buddhist, Disabled, English American, Feminist, Mixed-Race, Multicultural, Multiethnic, Native American
Group meets for: 
Critique, Writing exercises, Encouragement, Inspiration, Accountability partners, Discussion, Reading
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 2 members

Coven Critique Circle: A Surreal and Fabulist Writing Group


Franz Kafka’s huge insects and unreachable castles. Shirley Jackson’s haunted houses and Angela Carter’s reinvented fairy tales. At Coven Critique Circle, we specialize in the opposite of realism. We workshop the weird. 

This critique group focuses on creating a supportive and inspirational environment for creating stories that are surreal, speculative, dreamlike, ghostly, and unconventional. We like authors such as Kelly Link, Carmen Maria Machado, George Saunders, and Sayaka Murata. We like stories that make the familiar strange and the strange familiar. Writing is a kind of magic, and we practice it together.   

I was interested in starting Coven Critique Circle because I couldn’t find any workshops that focused solely on surreal fiction. The group is brand new and I’m just trying to get it off the ground, so meeting cadence, structure, and general practices aren’t set in stone. I’ll be sure to update this posting when that changes. This is how I’m currently thinking things will go: 

  • Meetings Saturday or Sunday mornings either bi-weekly or monthly over zoom or google hangouts. 
  • Writers will submit work beforehand with a block of text at the beginning of the section requesting the type of feedback they’re looking for/questions they’d like answered. 
  • Stories or excerpts submitted will have a page limit (but it will depend on what the meeting cadence turns out to be).
  • Feedback and discussion during meetings must be thoughtful, considerate, specific, and constructive.  

You will be welcomed into this group regardless of age or experience level. However, you must be serious about becoming a better writer, and you must be serious about publishing your work to join this group. Previous workshop experience is preferred. 

If the above sounds interesting to you, please email Madison at Covencritique[at] introducing yourself and expressing your interest. I’m unlikely to respond to P&W direct messages. Thank you!   


Boston, MA
United States
Meeting preference: 
Meets Online
Genres of interest: 
Fiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Short Fiction, Speculative Fiction
Preferred group size: 
Preferred publishing/workshop experience: 
Published in literary journal, Have workshop experience
Group meets for: 
Critique, Workshop, Submissions, Encouragement
Language used: 
Group meets: 
Group members:Currently has 1 member
