Tags: science fiction

Tubby & Coo’s Mid-City Book Shop

Tubby & Coo’s is a locally owned, progressive, nerdy new and used book shop and tabletop gaming store in Mid-City New Orleans. The book shop is named after the owner’s grandparents: Tubby & Coo, who grew up in the same neighborhood where the shop is located.

A niche genre fiction bookstore, they carry science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels, and children’s books. There is also a board game demo library of more than 250 games for customers to peruse.

Ten Questions for Jeff VanderMeer

Jeff VanderMeer

“Writing—the writing it down—has increasingly become the least important part of the process. Living in the world of the novel, existing as the characters, viewing the day-to-day from their perspective, is the most important thing.” —Jeff VanderMeer, author of Dead Astronauts

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